Week 46 of 48 (11 Months!)

December 21, 2010

Not enough time to write a real entry! Juggling way too much at the moment so here’s a few miscellaneous things from the last couple weeks. To complete the final layer of paint on Belinda, I had to setup a make-shift spray booth in an empty studio since we have been buried in snow for what feels like weeks already and there isn’t a spray booth on campus (so annoying!). Then this past weekend, I setup a photo studio to photograph Dura Mater, the suit of armor, in its final form. Thank god for empty studios… Those images will go direct to the new website, which is almost done! Hopefully it will be live within the next week or two… More news to come soon…

home-made spray booth in an extra studio

final photo shoot setup

Week 39 of 48

November 1, 2010

I finally gave in and set up a proper poor man’s photo studio in an empty studio across the hall. It’s far from perfect, but after several rounds of experimenting with both the lighting and my camera’s settings, I managed a few rounds of decent photos. I’m also in a building where it’s impossible to have total control of the lighting so despite taking all the flourescent tubes out of the ceiling lights, there is still some bleed from other studios’ lighting. At the very least, I learned a lot more about how to use my camera, so that was exciting. I’m also in phase 1 of the website refresh so all the new photos will show up there whenever I launch the updated site. Here are some of the better rejects from the photo shoot:

my scraped together photo studio...

A close up of the first piece of armor

funky wave of crystals

one of the first experimental pieces