Sneak Peak

February 27, 2009

I’m still waiting on the photos of the de-installation to show up.  I will probably stop by the Arsenal this weekend with my laptop to see if I can grab the pictures from their camera directly so they don’t have to worry about trying to e-mail or hunt me down in some other fashion.  In the meantime, I thought I’d post a couple photos of some of the other things I’ve been working on over the last year.  These darling little pieces are tests for a future project.  I’ve been working on them off and on inbetween other things, drawing the pattern, sewing, adjusting, redrawing, sewing, etc.  Funnily enough, I actually started with a mini pattern for a pair of pants and tweaked from there to end up with these forms.

Tests for Plush Teeth

Tests for Plush Teeth

The first ever (mini one with safety pin) and the most recent (giant one in pink giraffe print)

The first ever (mini one with safety pin) and the most recent (giant one in pink giraffe print)

The blue fabric is some scrap I had hanging around, the pink giraffe print is an old sheet I found at a thrift store

The blue fabric is some scrap I had hanging around, the pink giraffe print is an old sheet I found at a thrift store

My next big spring project will be mostly ceramic again, with a mix of hand sewn fabric, so these guys will continue to wait in the window sill until I have some more downtime to pick them up again.